Tornado Safety: After the Tornado Tips
The Tornado Has Come And Gone… Now What? There’s lots of advice about how to prepare yourself for a tornado. What to do to prepare your property, how to prepare your family, your car, your dog and your goldfish… But what about after the tornado? What if you did your very best to prepare […]
Mentally Preparing for a Tornado
What Do You Do if a Tornado is Coming? Anticipation of something bad happening is very often worse than the actual event, and anticipating the arrival of a major tornado can be an extremely distressing time for those who live in the tornado’s path. There are so many things to think about: the potential […]
Protect Your Business From a Tornado
Is Your Business Prepared for a Tornado? Businesses have a hard enough time surviving the economic storms these days without the added complication of hurricanes and tornadoes in many areas of the United States. It’s crucial that you have the right type of tornado disaster plan in place to make sure that when the […]
Tornado Evacuation Plan
Tornado Evacuations Hurricanes, tornadoes, and tropical storms can mean that the evacuation of a whole community is the only option and it happens a lot more regularly than you might think. When it’s time to go and a whole community is evacuated because of a tornado, it’s down to the officials to tell everyone […]
Tornado FAQs
What is a Tornado? Tornadoes are swirling, violent columns of air that extend from a thunderstorm down to the ground. These violent air columns can be powerful enough to uproot trees, throw automobiles, and rip the roofs off of homes. Consider purchasing the following items to keep your family safe during a tornado: Safety […]
Tornado Safety Planning Checklist
Tornado Safety Planning Checklist Gather Important Papers: Keep all special papers and photographs in a watertight container or plastic bag. Tornadoes can and do bring rain and debris and if your important papers aren’t protected, they could be ruined. Consider including in your watertight container: bank account papers birth certificates property deeds medical cards […]
Disaster Preparedness: Tornado Disaster Plan
Master Disaster Checklist If you want to keep your property, family, pets, and business safe during natural disasters, it’s important to be prepared. This master checklist gives you a good foundation for what to do, what to have, and what to plan for. Secure Contact Information: Make sure you have a printed out copy as […]