
Tornado Information: Worst Tornadoes in History

What is a Tornado? A tornado is an atmospheric vortex that occurs in rain or thunderclouds. It looks like a cloudy funnel and can travel at high speeds, up to 300 miles per hour in some cases. Tornadoes are most common in North America, particularly in the United States, where some of the deadliest tornadoes […]

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Tornado Survival: What’s For Dinner?

Tornado survival plans really need to include plenty of food and water, but when you’re doing your grocery shopping for this kit, you need to think about it quite carefully. It’s always a good idea to have your grocery cupboards well-stocked during tornado season, just in case you are able to stay in your house […]

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Tornado Survival: Keeping The Kids Happy (And Safe) During a Tornado Emergency

Tornado emergency situations are terrible for everyone, but whilst some adults might find the opportunity to sit in the cellar wrapped in a blanket and catching up on the latest Stephen King novel (if they dare) quite appealing and a refreshing change from office life, then just think about how difficult it could be to […]

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Tornado Preparedness: Tornado Safety During a Tornado

Tornado preparedness really does start long before the tornado season is upon us. Let’s say that you’ve done lots of preparation for your family, your property, you’ve got a tornado evacuation plan, you’ve got your survival kit ready… but what should you actually do whilst the tornado is actually happening in order to stay as […]

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Prepare Your Family for a Tornado

  Tornadoes can strike at any time, and although we usually have the luxury of a couple of days notice before a hurricane storm arrives, the same can’t be said for tornad0-producing storms. A tornado may strike when your family is separated, so it’s important that you have an emergency plan in place so that […]

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Tornado Preparedness: Prepare for a Tornado Before Arrival

Tornadoes destroy property and communities, as well as family homes and even lives. Although there’s no way to stop a tornado, there are ways in which to prepare your property before the tornado arrives which can help with a bit of damage mitigation. That’s about all we can do — limit the damage done — […]

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Tornado Preparedness: Marine and Boating Safety

  Tornadoes batter boats, and of all the places where you would want to be when a tornado strikes, a boat is certainly bottom of the list. You’ve seen The Perfect Storm, right? There’s a whole list of movies which they say you should never watch as in-flight entertainment, but what about the movies to […]

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Surviving A Tornado… But For How Long?

How long should you be prepared to survive after a tornado? There are actually some very interesting statistics on just how long these hurricane disasters last for. Take a look at this: Planned tornado survival for 14 days would have successfully seen you through 96% of all known disaster emergency situations. Planned tornado survival for […]

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Pet Preparedness & Protecting Your Pets Before The Tornado

Tornadoes cause devastation, destroying families, property, and communities, so it’s really important that you have everything covered in your tornado preparedness plans — and that includes all members of the family. Pets rely on their pet parents for food, safety, and security, and that means all of the time. I know that during an emergency […]

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Tornado Safety: Protect Your Property From a Tornado

  Tornadoes Can Cause Massive Damage Tornadoes can actually cause substantial damage to both coastal and inland properties. You need to check that be sure to have homeowners or renter’s insurance. More importantly, read the exclusions of your home or rental insurance policy to see if tornado damage is included. You will very often find […]

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