Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – Choking & Chest Pains

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Learning how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can give you the tools to save a life in many different types of disaster or emergency situations. Even if you’re a little rusty, it’s better to try than to stand by and do nothing at all.

Calling emergency services (911) is a good idea as they can walk you through the steps and help you out during the process. Before you start CPR, determine the following:

  • Is the person conscious or unconscious?
  • If the person appears to be unconscious, try to wake them by tapping them and talking loudly.
  • If there is still no response, call 911 immediately and start to administer CPR.


CPR Tips

When starting CPR, remember CAB: circulation, airways, and breathing. Also know that there should be 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths!

  • Circulation: The most important part of CPR is chest compression. This ensures blood continues to circulate through the body. If you are not trained or fully confident in CPR, just doing chest compressions can help to keep a patient alive.
    • Tip: Do chest compressions to the beat of “Stayin’ Alive” to set the right pace. It’s easy to remember because you want the patient to stay alive!
  • Airway: Clear the airways by lifting the head and tilting the neck. Gently tilt the head back with the palm of your hand, then lift the chin forwards to ensure that the airway is open.
  • Breathing: Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if you can. Make sure to pinch the nose so that air can’t escape through there.



Choking can happen at any time but if it happens during a disaster situation when you can’t get emergency help quickly, then you have to know what to do. If someone is coughing, spluttering and turning blue, it’s time to get to work.

  1. Start off with five good, hard back blows with the heel of your hand between their shoulder blades. This can help to dislodge anything in the throat.
  2. Perform the Heimlich maneuver with five good thrusts.
  3. Alternate the back blows and the thrusts until you manage to dislodge the blockage.


Chest Pains

Chest pains can be caused by many different things and need to be treated accordingly. During a disaster or emergency, it may or may not be possible to determine the exact cause of the chest pains. In case of chest pains, contact emergency services because you never know what the cause might be.

Heart attacks are potentially fatal if they go untreated. The person might feel an uncomfortable pressure and squeezing in the center of their chest. This pain can spread through the shoulders, arms, or neck. It may also cause light-headedness, fainting, shortness of breath, and sweating.

Again, contact emergency services if someone is suffering from chest pains of any type.